Ireland’s best broadband only deals
If you don’t need a TV plan, you could save by switching to a broadband-only deal. Compare the cheapest fibre broadband deals from Irish broadband providers including Sky, Virgin, eir and many more.
What is broadband-only?
Broadband-only is a broadband deal without a digital TV service or a call plan.
Some broadband providers in Ireland require a phone line to deliver your part fibre broadband service, so may offer a call package as part of the broadband deal.
However, most don’t require you to pay for a call plan if you don’t need it.
Many fibre broadband providers offer full fibre or part fibre broadband plans with varying speeds. Super fast fibre broadband only plans have speeds of up to 2 gigabits while part fibre, which is slightly cheaper, can deliver speeds of up to 100MB.
Providers offer full fibre broadband through the National Broadband Ireland (NBI) or SIRO network, making super fast internet more available throughout the country.
What connection do you need for broadband only?
There are several ways you can get a broadband-only plan, depending on your location.
Is broadband-only cheaper?
Pick a broadband-only plan if you don’t need a TV package or rarely use your home phone for calls.
Some broadband providers offer a phone service with broadband as part of the price; for others, a call plan may cost extra.
However, a broadband and home phone plan often comes with features like free off-peak calls, voicemail and caller display, so if you use your landline for regular calls, it might be cheaper to combine broadband with a call plan.
Consider a broadband and TV package to save money if you stream lots of movies or watch live sports regularly.
Can you get broadband-only without a landline phone?
Some broadband only plans need an active phone line to deliver standard or part fibre broadband. Some broadband providers charge for this line rental, but the cost is bundled with the price of your monthly contract.
However, you can get broadband without a landline. The choice of broadband plans may be limited if you don’t live in a full fibre area, but as 5G mobile broadband is becoming more widely available, it’s a good option for some.
You can read our guide: How to get broadband without a phone line to learn more.
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