
How good is satellite broadband in Ireland?

If you’re struggling to get fibre or ADSL broadband in your rural location, satellite broadband could be the answer. Here’s what you need to know about satellite broadband in Ireland.

What is satellite broadband?

Satellite broadband offers an alternative way of accessing the internet. It works by installing a satellite dish in your home, which sends and receives data to and from a satellite in space - which in turn transmits via a wifi router in your home.

If you can’t connect to the national broadband infrastructure because you live in a remote or rural location, satellite broadband offers an affordable solution.

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Who offers satellite broadband in Ireland?

Here are some of the providers in Ireland that offer satellite broadband:

  • bigblu (previously Europasat)
  • Digiweb
  • Irish Satellite Broadband
  • Konnect
  • Rural WiFi

What are the pros and cons of satellite broadband?

Here are the main advantages and disadvantages of using satellite broadband compared with a more standard type e.g. fibre:


  • Can be connected to any home
  • Offers improved speed in rural areas
  • Connection is usually reliable


  • Latency can affect gaming
  • Installation is expensive
  • Data is usually capped

Although it can’t compete with the speed or unlimited data that fixed-line plans offer, it enables you to be connected, and may be faster than another service you’ve tried.

Most people that choose satellite broadband have very limited options due to their location.

Is Starlink worth it in Ireland?

Starlink is Ireland’s newest satellite broadband operator owned by the company SpaceX, and provides internet to areas that struggle with connectivity.

It works by using multiple, small satellites that are closer to the earth than usual and promises speeds of up to 220 Mbps - with a majority of users experiencing speeds around 150 Mbps.

Although it’s pricier than other broadband options, it could appeal to those who have very slow internet and limited connectivity.

How much does it cost?

In Ireland, Starlink costs from €50 per month with a one-time installation fee of €349. The service is contract-free and billed monthly, so you can cancel anytime.

Although installation is expensive, some areas have the option of purchasing a second-hand or ‘refurbed’ dish for €225.

With a high up-front cost it might not suit those on a smaller budget.

What about installation?

Starlink equipment has been designed for self-install with step-by-step guides and videos available to help you through the process.

If you’re not comfortable installing it yourself, providers like Smart Sat Connect, Free Sat and Sat World can connect the dish for you for a fee.

What are the alternatives to satellite broadband?

This largely depends on where you live and what other options are available to you.

If you have access to other connection types, then you could consider ADSL broadband or fibre broadband.

As full fibre plans are becoming more widespread and affordable, it’s worth checking if they’re available in your area.

If you need fast broadband that can cope with multiple devices being used at the same time, then some satellite broadband plans are unlikely to work for you, but Starlink could be a good option.

What is the best satellite broadband plan?

The best plan for you will depend on a few things, here’s what you need to consider:

  • Your budget: Compare equipment and installation costs as well as ongoing monthly costs. Check each plan’s introductory discount period and follow-on price per month.
  • The speed you need: Compare the average or ‘up to’ speeds you can get at your location.
  • Data limits: Work out what you need to use it for and how much data this is likely to add up to each month. For example, streaming music and movies uses up a lot of data.

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