Broadband deals in Kilkenny
Living in Kilkenny? Take a look at our broadband checker and compare broadband and TV deals in your area to find the best deal.
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Broadband providers in Kilkenny
The six main broadband providers operate in Kilkenny. They include Digiweb, eir, Pure Telecom, Sky, Virgin Media and Vodafone.
There are also smaller providers that focus on connecting rural areas. Some of Ireland’s rural broadband providers include:
- Imagine
- Magnet
- Regional Broadband
- Rural Broadband
- Rural WiFi
The choice of broadband providers available to you will depend on where you live. Use our eircode checker to discover what’s on offer near you.
What is the fastest broadband in Kilkenny?
Most providers offer fibre and part fibre broadband plans, with 100% fibre plans giving you the fastest speeds available.
SIRO has been rolled out to Kilkenny City and offers lightning-fast speeds up to 2Gb. There are different providers that offer SIRO powered plans, depending on your location.
You can find out whether your specific town has fibre broadband by using the dropdown filter at the top of the page.
What is the cheapest broadband in Kilkenny?
You’ll pay more for a high-speed connection so it’s worth working out the broadband speed you actually need for work and play.
You may also want to know more about the different types of broadband and how they work, particularly if you live in rural Ireland where your options may be more limited.
Once you’ve worked out what features you want your broadband to have, you can focus on finding the cheapest deal for your needs.
How to compare broadband deals in Kilkenny
Our comparisons make it easy to see what type of packages are available in your area; for example, you may come across:
The plan you choose should be:
- within your budget, in the introductory period and beyond
- fast enough for yours/your family’s needs
- contain all the elements you need e.g. TV, phone
- be the right contact length
How to switch to a better deal
Once you’re happy with the broadband package you’ve chosen, it’s time to make the switch.
By selecting the deal from our comparison, you’ll automatically be taken through the switching journey with us.
If you’d rather find out more about the switching process before you begin, our guide to switching broadband providers has everything you need to know.
Enjoy superfast fibre broadband
Use our eircode checker to find your best deal and switch today