Broadband deals in Monaghan
Use our broadband checker to find the best broadband and TV deals in Monaghan. Switch today to get discounts and rewards with selected plans.
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Broadband providers in Monaghan
The six main broadband providers operate in Monaghan. They include Digiweb, eir, Pure Telecom, Sky, Virgin Media and Vodafone.
There are also smaller providers that focus on connecting rural areas. Some of Ireland’s rural broadband providers include:
- Imagine
- Magnet
- Regional Broadband
- Rural Broadband
- Rural WiFi
The choice of broadband providers available to you will depend on where you live. Use our eircode checker to discover what’s on offer near you.
What broadband is available in Monaghan?
Here are the types of broadband available in Monaghan:
If you don’t live near a telephone exchange, find out about rural broadband choices in Ireland or how to get broadband without a landline.
Is fibre broadband available in Monaghan?
Many of the large providers, including Sky, eir and Vodafone offer part fibre in Monaghan with speeds of up to 100Mb.
But full fibre broadband - with speeds of up to 1Gb or 2GB - has become more widespread and affordable too, as thousands of premises in Monaghan Town and surrounding counties of Tullycorbet, Glaslough, Castleshane, Scotstown and others gained access in 2023.
The speed you get in your home will depend on exactly where you live, so use our eircode broadband checker to find what’s available in your exact locality.
When will SIRO come to Monaghan?
SIRO plans to roll out 2Gb fibre to Monaghan soon and but other types of broadband from providers like Pure Telecom or Digiweb could still provide you with a decent broadband connection.
How to choose the best broadband in Monaghan
You can compare prices with our free broadband comparison, but before you simply pick the cheapest deal, compare all plan features.
Think about:
- Which type of internet connection would suit you best
- What broadband speed you need
- Which providers offer broadband in your area
- The type of broadband plan you want
If you need more help with making the switch, visit our guide, How to switch broadband providers.
Enjoy superfast fibre broadband
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