Broadband providers in Ireland
Compare broadband providers to find the best broadband & TV deals.
Magnet Plus
Magnet Plus offers business and residential broadband with speeds up to 1GB. You’ll get an introductory discount and low-priced broadband if you live in a Magnet+ fibre broadband area and a choice of three plans to connect you directly to the Magnet+ fibre network.
Pure Telecom
Pure Telecom offers broadband plans with speeds up to 1GB. Regular and full fibre broadband deals are discounted for 12 months. Discounted phone call packages and TV bundles are also available. Pure Telecom won Best Alternative Network at the Broadband Awards, 2024.
Regional Broadband
Regional Broadband provides two types of broadband for those with or without a phone line. Choose from Fixed Wireless with speeds up to 200Mbps and Gigabit Fibre for 1Gb speeds. The provider offers flexible contract terms and are specialist in rural areas.
Sky provides a range of broadband plans, TV bundles, and standalone TV plans. The provider offers discounted 12-month deals with speeds up to 1GB and a vast choice of TV packages and add-ons. Sky won Broadband Provider of the Year and three other prizes at the Broadband Awards, 2024.
Virgin Media
Virgin Media provides a choice of broadband and TV plans with speeds up to 2GB. They offer superfast, fibre broadband plans discounted for 12 and 24 months and several TV bundles with Sky add-ons.
Broadband in Ireland
Most broadband providers in Ireland offer part fibre with speeds up to 100Mb and full fibre broadband with speeds up to 2Gbps.
There are also other ways to obtain internet access, using mobile or satellite technology.
Mobile 5G broadband is available from:
- Three
- Vodafone
- eir
- Rural Wifi
Satellite broadband can be provided by:
- Digiweb
- Rural Wifi
With fibre broadband more widely available, streaming TV has become a popular way to view TV shows, movies and sports.
Broadband and TV bundles are offered by:
- eir
- Sky
- Virgin Media
- Vodafone
Who’s the cheapest broadband provider?
The cheapest broadband deals change regularly as broadband providers compete to get customers.
The advertised price is usually an introductory rate, so always check the full monthly cost once the discount period ends, unless you plan to switch once your contract finishes.
The more services you bundle together, the more you could save but only pay for what you’re sure you will use.
A good way to find the cheapest deal is to use our broadband eircode checker to find the best value broadband where you live.
How to compare broadband providers
When comparing providers, consider:
Enjoy superfast fibre broadband
Use our eircode checker to find your best deal and switch today